Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day After

Oh the anticipation of the big day. It seems like just yesterday when we were making bets on when the Christmas music would start, I was putting up the lights (you men feel my pain), getting our tree very early (surprised it’s not dead yet), and prepping for the festivities.
Where did the time go? I think with a lot of us this holiday season it was nice to have something to look forward to. It was a needed escape from the reality of our floundering economy and the hardships that many of us face during these times. Whether it was your connection with family, friends, church or purely just caught up in the holiday spirit, something positive in our lives helps all of us keep truckin’.
However…..boom, flash…it’s now over. Personally, today is one of the most depressing days of the year for me and many individuals across the nation. Not only are we recovering from the food and drink hangovers, clean-up of family gatherings, and lack of sleep from “Santa” coming, but us with kiddos also realize that our children will be another year older our next Christmas together. Is it just me that finds this depressing? However, maybe sitting in my recliner in all of my laziness breeds this.
Even though the day after can be depressing, it gives me time to think of the importance of not taking our time together for granted and to spend every second soaking up even the things we would consider annoying or hard to deal with from our children and/or family. Before we know it our little tykes will start hearing the rumors of Santa from “Scrooge” along with all of the other comments and experiences that transform the innocence of our children. Trust me… happens. The children now days are growing up way to fast in this society. Come visit my classroom and/or school and you will know what I’m talking about. Those of you with older children can probably vouch for this. Maybe I worry too much or it has something to do with being a father of daughters (oh please God…help me!). ;)
No matter the case or the negativity you might think I exude, Christmas was still magical for my family and my “little ladies”. A bit of “Christmas Vacation” and enjoying all of the “little” things this holiday make the preparation all worthwhile. I hope the time that you had or will have with your family was or will be all that you dreamed of and more.
Until next time…….Happy Holidays!